Our vision is this: Do the best work. Be the best to work with.

What We Do

We work with founders, entrepreneurs, and emerging companies to define what your product does, why it’s different, what it stands for, how it sounds, and who it speaks to.

All this helps define and differentiate your brand, which helps customers decide if it’s one they like and trust, and want to spend time or money with.


2. Brand strategy

Time: 2 weeks

We start by selecting a framework that best suits your company’s needs. Working together in the beginning, we fill out the different sections of the template - this is to ensure I have the proper perspective accounted for. This work session begins the timeline, then we will conduct one review once before the final deliverable is submitted.

4. Voice Guidelines

Time: 2 weeks

This work determines how your brand sounds when it speaks to its customers. It is critical to ensure your brand sounds “like you” and that the communications are consistent no matter who holds the pen. We begin with a discovery call, which starts the timeline. From there we conduct one review before the final deliverable is submitted.

1. Brand Collateral Assessment

Time: 1 hour

In a one-hour discovery session we review all your existing brand materials to determine what is relevant, what needs revising, and what needs to be created net-new. The goal is to ensure we have visibility into all the work from the start as well as to agree on which of the services below would be most beneficial to your company.

3. Brand Guidelines

Time: 2 weeks

Based on the brand framework, we begin to define your company’s vision, mission, values, and operating principles. This is to ensure your entire company, no matter the size, are on the same page. We begin with a discovery call, which starts the timeline. From there we conduct one review before the final deliverable is submitted.

5. Full-Funnel Marketing Consultation

Time: 3 weeks

Now that we know what our product is, what our brand stands for, and what it sounds like, we can begin to consider the consumer marketing funnel. We discuss ways to educate, inform, and convert new and existing customers. We begin with a discovery call, which starts the timeline. From there we conduct two reviews before the final deliverable is submitted.

6. Comprehensive Brand Package

Time: 6 weeks

This package includes all of the above services, just more in depth guidelines like founder bios, the dos and don’ts of your brand, marketing copy samples, and more that are bespoke to your brand. 1-2 discovery calls may be needed, the first begins the timeline. From there we can review up to three times before the final deliverable is submitted.

Creative direction, creative copywriting, ghostwriting

Whether you need someone to lead a creative campaign, copy for LinkedIn posts or company bios, an investor speech or a customer outreach email that sounds like you, we’d be happy to roll up our sleeves and help out.

LET’S light this firecracker

*Overall project cost subject to increase based on scope creep, lack of communication on client’s part, or unwillingness to commit to timelines and deadlines.